Ask Dr. Andro: "Does Adding Milk to My Tea Reduce Its Health Benefits or Destroy the Antioxidants? Is There a Difference For Black, Green and White Tea?"
Image 1: Monkey milk tea by Conchibi . No matter how decorative it may look, according to various online sources, the milky monkey decoration is just about to annihilate the beneficial health effects of tea at the very moment it mingles with the antioxidant brew... or is this just another urban myth that is reaffirmed by ' gurus ' all over the Internet? Question from Samir Banga ( via Facebook ): "Just wanted to ask you about tea and if adding milk or cream for that matter disturbs or destroys the antioxidants/good stuff in the tea . Also would this be the same with black, green and white tea?" Answer Dr. Andro: This is one of the typical cases where just typing in a question in Google produces either answer A "tea with milk = no problem" or answer B "tea with milk = worthless swill" - it just depends on how you formulate the question - or maybe who on whether the milk industry advertises with Google? Who knows.... A more thorough investigat...