
Showing posts from September, 2015

3.8 vs. 2.3 g/kg Protein + Exercise to Improve Body Comp. | Digestive Enzymes to Pimp Vegan Proteins | High Protein vs. MUFA Meals for GLP1 | ISSN Research Review '15 #3

"If some is good, more is better!" Unfortunately, this simple maxime does rarely apply when it comes to the physiological response to certain foods and/or supplements. For protein, however, it appears as if the relation holds - at least as long as protein does not become the only energy source in your diet. I guess by now I can simply skip the lengthy introduction telling you about how I didn't want to cherry pick only three out of more than twenty newsworthy studies that were presented at the  Twelfth International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) Conference and Expo in 2015, when I started writing this series right ( click here if you have missed the previous articles)? Well, that's good because it leaves more room for a brief preview of the studies I am about to discuss in today's third serving of the SuppVersity ISSN Research Review 2015  - studies that are all related (in one way or another) to increased protein intake. Either in overweight or obese...

Synephrine More Ergogenic, Than Thermogenic? Pump Supps Revisited - L-Arginine, L-Citrulline and Respective Whey-Peptides & -Nitrates | ISSN Research Review '15 #2

Synephrine, arginine, citrulline - Which pre-workout ensures that you're "on fire"? As I pointed out previously , my initial idea to cherry pick only the most interesting study results that were presented in form of of poster presentations at the Twelfth International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) Conference and Expo in 2015 didn't work out. The number of interesting studies is is simply too much for a single SuppVersity  article to discuss them all. Accordingly, I am now posting the 2nd serving of what is going to be a multi-part series of articles with brief discussions of the most significant results of the >20 studies and short references to those that didn't make the SuppVersity  cut in this, previous and future installments of this series for one reason or another. Read more about ISSN and other studies at the SuppVersity Vitargo, Red Bull, Creatine & More | ISSN'15 #1 Pump Supps & Synephrine & X | ISSN'15 #2 Hi...

Vitargo™, Red Bull™ + Co. Research - Are They Worth It? Beef Can Keep Up W/ Whey For Gains! "Creatine Loading" = Too Much of a Good Thing - ISSN Research Review '15 #1

When you're running on a treadmill it obviously takes more than one serving of Red Bull or other commercial energy drinks to kickstart your workout performance | learn more below. Initially, I wanted to cherry pick only the most interesting study results that were presented in form of poster presentations at the Twelfth International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) Conference and Expo in 2015. After looking at the research that is - as of now - only available in form of (albeit often detailed) abstracts, I decided that there are way too many interesting studies to cover only three of them in depth or all of them only cursory. Accordingly, I decided to start a SuppVersity Mini Special with this being the first out of 3-4 issues in which I will briefly discuss the most significant results of those of the roughly two dozen studies, I (a) believe are of greatest interest to you and (b) feel comfortable talking about without having all the details in form of the still to be publi...

Testosterone Gel Augments Increases in Lean Mass Gains (+3.9kg in 6 Months) in Older Intensely Training Men, but Testim Blocks Decrease in Marker of Heart Disease Risk

Building muscle becomes increasingly harder, the older you get. While there's no evidence that any of the overpriced natty T-boosters can solve this problem, Testim(R) can. That's at least what a recent Danish study shows. If you believe in what you read in the ads for testosterone boosters, all you'd have to do to get jacked was to increase your testosterone levels by a few percentages. In view of the fact that it took transdermal testosterone gels and a 100% increase in bioavailable  testosterone (most T-boosters boast of boosting total testosterone by 20-40%) in a recent study from the Odense University Hospital and the University of Southern Denmark (Glintborg. 2015) to trigger - albeit significantly - muscle gains of +3.5 kg in older subjects on a high intensity resistance training regimen, it is highly questionable how capable the average "natural muscle builder" really is ... but let's not rant and rather take a look at what really works (for the...

Blood Flow Restriction in Athletes: Did We Get it All Wrong? Must BFR-Cuffs be Worn After, not During Each Set?

If that's you. It's well possible that you've done it all wrong. Wearing the cuffs after the set may be the way to go! You may have followed up on my recent suggested read in the SuppVersity Facebook News  and read up on the recent scientific debate on the (non-)usefulness of training with cuffs ( BFR-style ). Well, after reading the full text of a recent study by Conor W. Taylor et al. (2015), I have to say: Maybe we have only done it wrong. In their study, the researchers from the  Loughborough University in Leicestershire had their subjects, 28 healthy trained males who were cycling 120 ± 66 km per week, all cuffed up after  each set of a standardized sprint training. That's very dufferent from trying to sprint with cuffs on your legs (and usually reduced intensity) and appears to be - that's at least what the study results suggest - a potential game-changer. You can learn more about BFR and Hypoxia Training at the SuppVersity BFR, Cortis...
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