
Showing posts from April, 2016

Breakdown aka Drop-Sets, Another Very Popular Advanced Training Technique W/Out Sign. Adaptational Advantages?!

"There are some crossovers between size training and strength training, and using drop-sets and ladder sets will definitely give some benefit ...," this is what you can read on the Internet, but is that true? In view of the fact that resistance training (RT) leading to momentary muscular failure (MMF) has been evidenced as producing significantly greater muscular strength and hypertrophic adaptations when compared with RT not performed to MMF in various studies (Fisher. 2011 & 13), the assumption that techniques that promote the occurrence of MMF and the subsequent increased recruitment of motor units (MUs) and muscle fibers (Henneman’s size principle | Carpinelli. 2008; Jungblut. 2009) would produce increased muscular strength and size gains is only logical. In spite of the existing evidence that training to MMF seems to be important for optimizing adaptations, the use of advanced RT techniques that allow a trainee to potentially train beyond failure, has yielded w...

Baking Bread With ~100g Extra-Fat Reduces the Glycemic Response: Coconut Oil Beats Butter, Grapeseed & Olive Oil

No, adding fat to your bread's dough won't make you lose fat magically. While fat no longer has the bad rep it still had a decade ago, the notion that baking bread with extra fat could have anti-diabetic effects, because it reduces the glucose peaks and  the 2h area under the curve (AUC) is unconventional, to say the least; and thus SuppVersity  news-worthy, because it is not broscience, but the result of a recent study. In said study, the scientists tested (a) the effect of different types of fat / oil on the formation of amylose–lipid complexes (ALC) and, more importantly, (b) the effect of the ALCs on the glycemic response to a standardized amount of bread that was baked with the same amount of different fats / oils. Don't forget that health and looking good naked require eating right and working out! Exercise Research Uptake Nov '14 1/2 Exercise Research Uptake Nov '14 2/2 Weight Loss Supplements Exposed Exercise Supplementation Quickie ...

Discontinuing the Set When You Slow Down on Squats May Boost Strength Gains + Preserve MHC-IIX Fiber Percentage

You want to get rid of those tiny weights and squat big time? Maybe you should watch your squatting velocity... and no, I am not talking about slowing down - rather about keeping your rep speed. While the headline may suggest that this is yet another article about time under tension, the "speed" I refer to in the headline is only indirectly related to the TUT concept. Rather than that, speed, in this case, refers to the velocity with which you squat... or, to be more precise, the magnitude of repetition velocity loss allowed in each set (20% vs 40%) and its effects on structural and functional adaptations in response to resistance training (RT). Previous studies have shown that the degree of neuromuscular fatigue induced by RT protocols can be monitored by assessing the repetition velocity loss within a set (Sanchez-Medina. 2011). Different velocity loss schemes may also be used as part of classic periodization schemes. 30% More on the Big Three: Squat, DL, BP! ...

BFR, Detraining Mass & Strength | Multiple Sets Multiply 'Ur EE | 1- vs. 2-Arm Kettle Bell Swings Rock the Core & More

The # of hands you use to hold your KB while doing swings determines core muscle activity. With the publication of the latest issue of the The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (May 2016 - Volume 30 - Issue 5 | read it ), the time has come to do a training science update with data on the effects on blood flow restriction on strength and size gains during detraining, the energetic demands of single vs. multi-set training, the highly significant core muscle activity patterns with single- vs. two-arm kettlebell swings and a handful of auxilliary studies summarized in the bottom line... Sounds interesting? Well, then I don't want to keep you any longer. Let's see which insights said studies have to offer... You can use BFR powered detraining in your periodization schemes. 30% More on the Big Three: Squat, DL, BP! Mix Things Up to Make Extra-Gains Linear vs. Undulating Periodizationt 12% Body Fat in 12 Weeks W/ Periodizatoin Detraining + Periodi...

Antihistamines Block Gene Response to Exercise + Impair its Insulin-Sensitizing, Energizing & Hypotensive Effects

Is all the exercise you do for nothing if you have to take antihistamines? Unlikely, but what appears to be certain is that they have indeed negative effects on the exercise-induced adaptation process that triggers not just increases in insulin sensitivity, but also improvements in blood pressure and mental energy. "An antihistamine is a type of pharmaceutical drug that opposes the activity of histamine receptors in the body," that's what Wikipedia knows about antihistamines. This, and the fact that there are H1-antihistamines and H2-antihistamines, that they target the histamine H1/2-receptors and that they are used to treat "problems" from allergic reactions in the nose (e.g., itching, runny nose, and sneezing) to insomnia... quite the range ;) What Wikipedia does not know, however, is that histamine is "important substance contributing to the normal day-to-day response to exercise in humans" (Romero. 2016a) and that blocking it will also blo...
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