
Showing posts from October, 2020

Fish Oil for Athletes? Fish for Everyone? Not for Ergogenic Benefits | Summary of Latest Metas + Umbrella Review

An illustrated synthesis of the most recent evidence. There are two fishy articles in the latest issue of Advances in Nutrition , two articles worth taking a closer look at, as I've found. Paper 1 and probably the more SuppVersity-ish paper comes from the University of Bath and is, as the authors themselves highlight, the first systematic review of fish oil supplements (#FS) in athletes that has ever been conducted in the 25-years+ history of fish oil supplements 😮 (the "fish-eating"  umbrella review is addressed in the infobox). You can learn more about omega-3 & co. at the SuppVersity Don't drink rancid fish oil How to Avoid N3 Oxidation N3/N6 Ratio Doesn't Matter!? MUFA & Fish Oil Don't Match Fish Oil Doesn't Help Lose Weight Rancid Fish Bad 4 Health Impossible? Everybody knows that fish oil is rather a vitamin than a supplement, right? So why wouldn't athletes benefit? Ahh... Wrong question: The right question wou...

Coffee Research 10/2020: Coffee's Origin Affects Glucose Effects | Coffee, Tea & Cancer - Similar but Different + More

Why are the captions in the thumbs back? Facebook won't allow replacing the preview picture of links easily. Don't worry, not all news in 2020 is bad news... unfortunately, though, there's some 'bad coffee news' out there, too. In the following overview, I am going to cover a bunch of interesting studies - good and bad news, just as you'd see them in the ever-more non-scientific apocalypse that we live in. Enough said, here's what I've found being published from late September to early October 2020: You can learn more about coffee and caffeine at the SuppVersity For Caffeine, Timing Matters! 45 Min or More? Caffeine Helps When Taken Intra-Workout, too Coffee can Help You Get into Ketosis Post-Workout Coffee Helps With DOMS Coffee Brewing 101 (Optimal Health) Caffeine dosing 4 Testosterone:Cortisol Increase Kenyan coffee - a special bru for glucose management? ( Okada 2020 ) Japanese researchers report in their latest paper that co...

Probiotic Hair Care - Where is it, When You Need it? #SV Reviewing the Research that Could Bring Your Hair Back

The idea of probiotic shampoos has been thrown around for quite some time, now. Gonna get rid of the text-containing thumbs, btw. I've recently got a request by a SuppVersity reader suggesting I write something about #hairloss... well, I thought: "I've addressed all there is in the two older articles on hair loss," and a cursory search of the latest literature seemed to confirm just that. It (or the absence of corresponding research) did yet also trigger my interest in the role of the microbiome in hair loss, hair maintenance, and hair regrowth... and I am not referring to expensive (useless) probiotics you'd swallow and hope for magic on your scalp. What I wanted to know was: Do we know anything about the scalp microbiome ? Overdoing it on  fasting  may also promote hair loss Monthly 5-Day Fast Works "Lean Gains" Fast Works Habits Determine Effects of Fasting Protein Modified Fast 4 Health IF + Resistance Training = WIN ADF Beats Ca-...
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