
Showing posts from December, 2020

Breakfast of the Healthy: Coffee... or a Purple-Orange Carrot Smoothie? Chlorogenic Acid in Coffee and Beyond

Don't worry you can  stick to coffee Good news has become scarce in 2020, it feels. So, let's appreciate the ones we have:  A coffee shortage is not in sight . Reason enough for me to write another "latest coffee research"-article. One that turned out to be a chlorogenic acid (#CGA) article because ...  well, it's still 2020, so scientists drink coffee to speed up their warp-speed operations and don't spend time investigating the effects of the stimulant the world is craving (Think you're drinking a lot of coffee? Are you a Fin ?). You can learn more about coffee and caffeine at the SuppVersity For Caffeine, Timing Matters! 45 Min or More? Caffeine Helps When Taken Intra-Workout, too Coffee can Help You Get into Ketosis Post-Workout Coffee Helps With DOMS Coffee Brewing 101 (Optimal Health) Caffeine dosing 4 Testosterone:Cortisol Increase Needless to say that previous research shows ( Sinisi 2017 ) that - coffee, and the previously...
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