Baking Soda Loading Protocol Achieves 30% Higher Bicarb Levels W/ ZERO GI Distress | Plus: Post-Workout NaHCO3 Boosts Acute Recovery & Performance in Boxing

You will be pleased to hear that the 30% increase in serum bicarbonate observed in the loading study was achieved in the absence of gastrointestinal distress in ALL subjects. Sunday, September 22, 2019, was 'bicarbonate day' in the SuppVersity Facebook News : What does that even mean? Well, the daily 'classics', i.e. links to archived SuppVersity articles, were all about the polyatomic anion HCO3 . Today's article brings NaHCO3, aka baking soda, back into the limelight - as a post -workout re-alkalizer that can be used with a newly developed and proven bicarbonate loading protocol that will help you avoid diarrhea and work even more efficiently than the classic 0.3-0.5g/kg protocols 😮 Read more about exercise-related studies at the SuppVersity Tri- or Multi-Set Training for Body Recomp.? Aug '15 Ex.Res. Upd.: Nitrate, Glycogen, and ... Pre-Exhaustion Exhausts Your Growth Potential Full ROM ➯ Full Gains - Form Counts! BFR-Preconditio- ni...