Sodium-/Potassium-Bicarbonate (+Mg, +Ca) Supplement ➡ Improved 6x30m Sprint Time, Lactate, Magnesium & More | Plus: Enterically Coated NaHCO3 Tablets - Where are They?

The stack (ingredients on the right) was ingested twice daily. It has been a while since the last study on sodium bicarbonate's usefulness has found its way to the SuppVersity. And, technically speaking, the latest RCT by scientists from the Department of Sports Training at the Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, Poland, and colleagues from the Miller School of Medicine , at the University of Miami is a "bicar-bonate", but not a "sodium bicarbonate" study. How's that? Well, the scientists did exactly what some of you have already suggested: They combined sodium- and potassium-bicarbonate (the authors write di-carbonate, which is obviously the same) at a dosage of 3g, each, to achieve a balance between the two macro-minerals and topped the bicarbonates up with 1000 mg (600 mg + 400 mg) calcium phosphate and calcium citrate , 1000 mg potassium citrate , and 1000 mg magnesium citrate. Mineral water will contain some K and M...