Green Tea Extract Reduces the Amount of Insulin You Need to Store Your PWO Carbs by ~20% + Discussed: What are the Potential Benefits During Bulking and Cutting?

The beneficial effects of green tea won't occur if you just put some GTE into your post-workout shake... well, at least they didn't occur in response to acute supplementation in the study at hand, where 3x350mg/d consumed for 7 days before a std. exercise + oral glucose tolerance test did the insulin lowering trick. While green tea has a record of promoting the metabolic and overall health of the obese and sick, its benefits in healthy individuals are still an object of ongoing research. Research such as the latest study from the McMaster University, in which Brian J. Martin et al. (2016) evaluated the effect of supplementation with green tea extract (GTE) on the plasma glucose kinetics of eleven healthy, sedentary men (21±2 y; BMI=23±4 kg/m², VO2peak=38±7 ml/kg/min; mean±SD). Now, this alone would probably not be SuppVersity newsworthy, but unlike other studies that assessed the effects of GTE on glucose management, Martin's study tested the effec...