Blood Flow Restriction May Reduce Muscle Damage From Eccentric Biceps Curls - Effects on Gains Yet Unknown

Pretty much the study set-up, albeit with a Scott bench to support the arm and much more weight. Surprising, isn't it? Wouldn't you expect that using a cuff set to restrict the blood flow in a way that increases the pressure in the arm to ca. 120mmHg and keeps all the metabolic byproducts from being carted away would, when it's used on top of an already muscle-damaging eccentric biceps workout, increase, not decrease the muscle damage? Well, I did. After reading the complete study and taking a look at previous research, however, I have admit that the scientists' conclusion that "BFR attenuated HI-ECC-induced muscle damage and there was no increase in cardiovascular responses" is warranted - even if I'd say that the last word on the real-world effect on gains has not been spoken, yet. You can learn more about BFR and Hypoxia Training at the SuppVersity BFR, Cortisol & GH Responses BFR - Where were we in 2013? Cardio with BFR = Win?...