Nutrient/Meal Timing: A Dozen Examples of Its Purported Impact on 'Ur Health, Weight Management & Body Comp.

Everyone will know somebody who managed to build an impressive physique with meal-timing. The question you cannot answer, however, is whether that's due to the timing or rather his/her mindful eating habits, healthy food choices and overall controlled energy intake. Originally, people thought about dieting quite mechanistically. With health and fitness becoming more important than religion to many people, this has changed significantly and we've seen various trends ranging from the low-fat fad in the 1980s to the anti-fructose movement of the early 2000s and the ketogenic revival 10 years later. Eventually, the transient nature of all these trends did yet confirm one thing: the macronutrient of your diets may influence if and how much fat/muscle weight you lose or gain, but it's only one out of several parameters that determine the way(s) in which your diet will affect your health and body composition. Another factor that has been recognized to do just that is nutrien...