HMB 'Likely' Protects 'Muscle Quality' & 'Possibly' to 'Likely' Cuts Inflammation During 23-Day Intense Military Training

Unfortunately, the study at hand provides insufficient evidence to decide whether you should buy (free acid) HMB if you are about to participate in a military bootcamp. The idea that HMB is the rather anticatabolic version of leucine, I've mentioned in previous articles , obviously occurred to an international group of scientists from the University of Central Florida , the Israel Defense Forces as well as associated universities, too (Hoffman. 2016). In their recent study, the scientists examined whether HMB supplementation can attenuate muscle loss and the inflammatory response during highly intense, sustained military training. A study, of which Hoffman et al. point out, that it is "to the best of [their] knowledge" the first study to "have examined HMB supplementation in soldiers during intense military operations" (Hoffman. 2016). Learn more about the potential beneficial effects of HMB at the SuppVersity : HMB For Fat Loss? Hica & H...