Beta Alanine Suffocates Cardiomyocytes, Taurine Lets Them Breath Again: Taurine Regulates Mitochondrial Protein Synthesis and Protects Mitochondria Against Superoxide Generation.

Image 1: Beta alanine and taurine; the former interferes with uptake and reactions that involve the latter. Having listened to the last installment of the Amino Acids for Super Humans series you are already familiar with the antagonism of the two beta-amino acids ("beta-" indicates that those are not part of the 22 proteinogenic amino acids) beta alanine and taurine . Being structurally very similar, both share a single transporter, so that high levels of beta alanine decrease/inhibit taurine uptake. Like a partial agonist, beta alanine also interferes with the actions of taurine by inhibiting reactions that involve the former, so that the cardiomyocytes Jong and his colleagues from the Universities of South Alabama, USA, and Kobe, Japan, incubated with 5mM beta alanine for 48h induced a 45% decrease in taurine content in the neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. The sudden lack of taurine " enhanced superoxide generati...