Training for Size & Strength - Does the Rest Matter? Study Finds 7-9% Greater Increase in Muscle Size With Decreasing Rest Periods.

Image 1: If you want to build Arnold-esque arms you better not sit around too long in-between your sets. "Short rest periods to burn fat, medium rest periods to build muscle and long rest periods to build strength" - it's actually pretty likely that one of your trainers, gym buddies or fatherly mentors told you something along those lines in the past. In view of the results of a soon to be published international study by Brazilian researchers from the State University of Campinas and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and their American colleagues from the Eastern Illinois University , the University of Memphis and the Colorado College ( Souza-Junior. 2011 ), this is probably the next item on list of widely accepted bodybuilding myths that have a spark of truth to them ... at least for recreational strength trainees who use some creatine monohydrate to promote their strength and mass gains. Learn more about muscle builder & fat shredder training at th...