Supramaximal Eccentrics (+38%) on Leg Presses & Calf Raises Pay Off in Form of Extra Strength and Significantly Higher Lean Mass Gains of the Trained Muscles

It goes without saying that you need someone to help you to do eccentric leg presses... well, unless you use one leg to help with the concentric part of the exercise, obviously. Training techniques have long been heralded as the single best way to increase your gains. These days, however, the discussion on bodybuilding and fitness boards has evolved away from talking about drop sets, singles, staggering and forced reps and towards BCAAs, whey, herbs and antioxidants - in short: People believe they could buy results, they would otherwise have to work for. Apropos work, the amount of work the subjects in a recent study from the JES Tech, Ilc., Wyle Science and the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston had to perform was not even overtly demanding. Learn more about the best muscle builders at the SuppVersity Optimizing Rest for Size and Strength Gains Alternating Squat & BP - Productive? Farmer's Walk or Squat? Is Strong- men T. For You? Full ROM ➯ Full Gains ...