Men Are Different, Women, Too - Also, When it Comes to the Metabolic Effects of Exercise | Plus: Differences Make Female 2h Cardio Sessions Look Even More Futile

Men are fat burning machines, women are not!? Review of sex-differences in fatty acid oxidation during and after exercise puts yet another "!" behind the "don't spend 2h on the treadmill if your goal is fat loss"-primacy for women. We all know: Exercise training is generally a healthful activity and an effective intervention for reducing the risk of numerous chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. And as Gregory Henderson points out, both a result of prevention of weight gain over time as well as direct effects of exercise on metabolism of lipids and the other macronutrient classes during and after exercise. Unfortunately, the contemporary evidence indicates that resting metabolism does not respond similarly in all individuals to exercise participation. One of the factors that determine the effects of exercise on resting energy expenditure (and even intake) is sex,... no not, sex as in sexual intercourse, but sex as in "men vs....