Too Much of a Good Thing - Selenium: Little More Than in Many 'Multis' Can Trigger Subclinical Hypothyroidism, Less Selenium (25% of the RDA) Cuts 13% Body Fat in 10 Weeks

Three things make this study special #1 it's human study, #2 it was conducted in a metabolic ward and #3 it didn't use potentially toxic Se supplements If you ask around about how you can accelerate your metabolism, selenium and iodine, which are both important players in the concert of thyroid hormones, are usually among the first supplements to be mentioned. The bad news is: If you are not deficient in one of them, taking copious amounts of either of them may well slow down your metabolism significantly. In view of the fact that the mechanism that triggers this side effect for selenium is a bit more straight forward than it is for iodine, I would like to start this new series with the initially mentioned essential trace element. Learn more about your thyroid , T3 , and T4 at the SuppVersity Green tea messes w/ your thyroid hormones TSH alone is not a good measure of thyroid health Fructose prevents decline of T3 while dieting T2 has thyroid-suppressing ...