Ad-Libitum Paleo Diet W/ a Handful of Simple Rules Cuts 5-7 kg of Body Fat in 12 Weeks - Plus: Paleo Research Overview

Yes, these foods were "allowed" - Even nuts, albeit in limited amounts. Ok, I have to admit that I have repeatedly made fun of "paleo" in the past. Its "cultish", sometimes even "sectarian" appeal is and will remain as hilarious in my eyes as the (for some people life-or-death-)question whether certain foods "are paleo" or not (who cares, as long as they are healthy?). If you happen to have seen my presentation at the Paleo Convention in Berlin, last year, you will know that, despite my apathy against the quasi-religious sides of "paleo", I do appreciate a certain set of "rules" or "principles" (or whatever you may call them) all iterations of "paleo" have in common. These principles work! And they have just been shown to help middle-aged type II diabetics (age 59±8 years) shed a quite impressive 6.7 kg of body fat (w/out exercise "only 5.7kg) in 12 weeks - without dieting as in not e...