Meal Timing Crucial for Fat Loss? Is WHEN You Eat More Important for Losing Weight Than HOW MUCH You Eat?

In rodents, incorrect meal timing can partly override the benefits of energy restriction. "You need a caloric deficit to lose weight..." The latest study from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center does not refute this principle. It does, however, add to it an "... and you must not eat at the wrong times!" Confused? Alright, here's the elevator's pitch for the latest paper in Cell Metabolism : Scientists fed rodents calorie-reduced diets. Rodents lost weight, but only if they were fed at night (when they would usually be active), a pair-fed group that ate during the day (when mice are usually inactive), on the other hand, didn't lose a gram. Learn more about skipping meals at the SuppVersity Start Havin' Br-eakfast, Get Fat "Lean Gains" Fast Works Fasting Better W/ 1 or 3 Meals? Breakfast Habits Matter IF + Resistance Training = WIN ADF Beats Ca-lorie Restriction Ok, now that I probably have yo...