Vitamin D -- Replacing D3 W/ Calcifediol in Fortified Foods May Cut D-ficiency Epidemic | Plus: High/Low Vit-D Jobs

Many of these foods contain significant amounts of calcifediol (25OHD). It's thus not as if we would be exposing us to an unknown research chemical, bros. With vitamin D it is as with all the hype-research subjects: Now that everybody and his mama have published a paper discussing how awesome and important vitamin D is (mostly in the absence of experimental evidence from controlled human trials that would clearly support this "awesomeness", by the way), the number of studies on vitamin D starts to decline, while their quality (at least in parts) increases. In this Vitamin D Research Update , I will address two of these post-hype studies. Both with practical relevance in terms of the prevention and resolution of vitamin D deficiencies: Learn more about vitamin D at the SuppVersity How Much Vitamin D Shall You Take? Leucine, Insulin, Vitamin D and Your Gainz Vitamin D Speeds Up Exercise Recovery One Svg of Fish or Eggs Satisfy Your Needs? Vitamin D...