Can ½ of a Teaspoon of Baking Soda Before Each Meal Cure (Auto-)Immune Disease? Or is this Just a Misinterpretation of the Words of an Overzealous Press Release Writer?

The press release that accompanied the publication of a study from the Augusta University seems to promote baking soda as a panacea for every (auto-) immune/inflammation-related disease. It sounds almost too good what a recently published press-release from the Augusta University claims ( read it ): "A daily dose of baking soda may help reduce the destructive inflammation of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis." WOW! ... but wait. This cannot be true, can it? Well, the mechanism that is introduced in the press release does not seem to be totally absurd. The fact that a temporary alkalization of the otherwise acidic chyme in the stomach will trigger for the production of an increased amount of stomach acid has been known for decades (it is also why classic antacids usually make heartburn worse when used more than occasionally | Maton 1999 ). You can learn more about bicarbonate and pH-buffers at the SuppVersity Caffeine + Bicarb Make Champions Alka...