Coconut Oil 'Pure Poison' or 'Superfood'? These 2x5x PRO vs. CON Human Studies Will Help You to Form an Opinion

Coconut oil yay or nay? Not the B vs. W question Michels' lecture made it. I am pretty sure you will have read about or even seen the lecture by Karin Michels , the director of the Institute for Prevention and Tumour Epidemiology at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg, Germany, which probably got so much attention, because Prof. Michels also works as an epidemiologist at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health . In her lecture, she claims that there was no single clinical human study that would refute her claim that coconut oil (CO) was, due to its high concentration of saturated fatty acids (SFA), "pure poison" that would unquestionably "clog your arteries and lead to certain cardiovascular death" (translated based on the video ). The effects of coconut oil in a low-carbohydrate diet are completely unknown: Protein Oxidation an Issue W/ High PRO Diets? CHO ↓ = Perfor-mance ↓ - What about Avg. Joes? More Protein ≠ More Satiety, St...