In Triathletes, Marathoners & Co! Potato Purée Can Replace Conventional Carbohydrate Gels W/Out Performance Loss!

The gastrointestinal issues may have been a problem for a few of the testers, but some clever "natural workout nutrition" company is certainly going to eliminate this minor obstacle very soon... and who knows: maybe they make the product more potent by adding whey , resistant starches , bicarbonate , or other potentially performance-enhancing ingredients on the way. It's 2019 and everyone has been infected by the "sugar is the devil" and "carbohydrates are not essential" viruses. Everyone? No, there's a small group of loyal sugar-guzzlers who keep Gatorade & Co in business (for a good reason, by the way, 'cause CHO supplements are the best-researched ergogenic for endurance athletes). Now, a new study by scientists from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ( Salvador 2019 ) shows that homebrew... ah, homecooked potato puree will have the same ergogenic effects in non-pro cyclists as the expensive CHO gels. One clear di...