Alkalizing Accelerates Fat Loss: Multimineral Supplement Boosts Fat Loss & Performance in Intermittent Fasters

Works, ... whether that's solely due to pH modulation is not clear. So we don't know if simply using bicarbonate as an alkalizer will do the same Let's get this straight, right away. While the authors ascribe the body weight and performance benefits they observed in their latest study solely to the pH modulating effects of their multimineral supplement, it's by no means clear that the minerals themselves do not at least contribute the effect. But before we get into the nitty-gritty of the discussion, let's first see how the mixed-sex population in the study at hand boosted their weight loss and training efforts ... The RCT was conducted by German scientists from the Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg ( Hottenrott 2020 ). Hottenrott et al. recruited their subjects, a total of 80 healthy (40 females), normal-to-overweight subjects who were aged 20–60 years, and had been physically slightly active before the onset of the trial (1–2 h exercise/week). Miner...