100-200ml Red Wine Per Day Improve HDL and the LDL/HDL Ratio With & Without Mediterranean Diet & Exercise

Good for him, good for her, good for everyone? Is it really possible that red wine can help even those who don't want to the necessary lifestyle changes? You all know about the limitations of epidemiological studies and the fallacy of the over-generalization of associations between health parameters and red wine consumption in the mainstream media. For me this *bs* is so annoying that I usually don't even take a look at "red wine studies". Luckily, a recent paper by Dirk W. Dorste and his colleagues did still catch my attention: It's about to be published in the December issue of Nutrition Journal and is not based on epidemiological data. The Luxembourgian scientists gathered their data in the course of a randomized unblinded 2-year trial that involved 108 patients with carotid atherosclerosis and >30% reduced blood flow (65% of the patients were on statin therapy). 122 patients, 4 intervention groups, red wine and/or lifestyle changes While half of ...