
Showing posts with the label fat burner

Alkalizing Accelerates Fat Loss: Multimineral Supplement Boosts Fat Loss & Performance in Intermittent Fasters

Works, ... whether that's solely due to pH modulation is not clear. So we don't know if simply using bicarbonate as an alkalizer will do the same Let's get this straight, right away. While the authors ascribe the body weight and performance benefits they observed in their latest study solely to the pH modulating effects of their multimineral supplement, it's by no means clear that the minerals themselves do not at least contribute the effect. But before we get into the nitty-gritty of the discussion, let's first see how the mixed-sex population in the study at hand boosted their weight loss and training efforts ... The RCT was conducted by German scientists from the Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg  ( Hottenrott 2020 ). Hottenrott et al. recruited their subjects, a total of 80 healthy (40 females), normal-to-overweight subjects who were aged 20–60 years, and had been physically slightly active before the onset of the trial (1–2 h exercise/week). Miner...

Hot News About Cold Tea: Cold Maté Tea Increases Energy Expenditure 2x More than Hot Maté | No Strings Attached?

I don't want to spoil your beloved maté tea for you, but if you expect it to shed slabs of body fat off your frame, this belief may well spoil your fat loss efforts for you ;-) I've previously addressed the potential benefits of cold-brewing your coffee  and the effect of water temperature on the extraction of bioactive substances from coffee in my "Coffee 101" ( Moussa 2017 ). For (caffeinated) tea, I haven't done this yet... what I haven't done for either of the two is to address the effect of the beverages' temperature at consumption. In their latest RCT, Maufrais et al. ( 2018 ) did just that... more specifically, they "compare[d] the cardiovascular, metabolic and cutaneous responses to the ingestion of [Yerba Mate] at cold or hot temperature in healthy young subjects." You can learn more about green tea and tea, in general , at the SuppVersity Green Tea Boosts Energy Exp. Using Green Tea as Fatblocker Tea Lowers Testoster...

Capsaicin: 150kcal/d Extra Energy Expenditure, no Effect on Appetite/Hunger in Teens/Twens Receiving 2mg/d, Though

You will remember that this is not the first time capsaicin made it into the SuppVersity  news - as a fat burner and potential ergogenic that is | learn more . That capsaicin is a relatively powerful metabolic isn't news. In  Nutrition Research  Rigamonti et al. write: "Studies in animals and humans have shown that capsaicin decreases food intake and increases energy expenditure, stimulates fat oxidation, regulates appetite (by decreasing hunger and increasing satiety), and modifies the expression of some hypothalamic peptides implicated in food intake" ( Rigamonti 2018 ) - effects of which the authors highlight that they have been observed in both, lean and overweight adults, but not in "obese adolescents, who are at high risk to become obese adults and for whom effective multidisciplinary integrated body weight reduction programs are needed" (ibid). If you develop too much stomach acid,  bicarbonate may help + it has ergogenic effects, too! Caffeine...

Cathine (Alvalin®) a Legitimate 'New Ephedra'? 9.1kg vs. 2.4 kg Weight Lost, 165% Greater Waist Reduction in Humans

You don't have to switch to eating pills, only. Don't worry. What you will still have to do, though, is to (a) clean up your diet, (b) stop eating everything in sight, and (c) achieve a caloric deficit. With its ability to reduce hunger and appetite, cathine may yet help you make that happen.  Let's be honest: ever since the classic ECA stacks have been banned from the market, there are neither over-the-counter, nor prescription weight loss supplements/drugs that work. Scientists from the Technical University of Munich (Germany | Hauner 2017) believe they can change that. Not by inventing a revolutionary new compound, but  by digging out a cousin of ... you guessed it: the good old ephedrine. Cathine is the name of the agent that was originally launched in the 1970s for the short-term treatment of diet-related obesity. Cathine is an alkaloid originally isolated from khat leaves grown in East Africa and the Arab peninsula and is a stable metabolite of cathinone, which ...

10mg Melatonin Increase Diet-Induced Weight Loss in 30-D Study from 4% to 7% + Have Profound Antioxidant Effects

If you want to take melatonin, take it before bed and thus in sync with your circadian rhythm| learn more If that's not your first visit at the  SuppVersity , the fact that the sleep hormone melatonin is a powerful antioxidant won't be news for you. The fact that it may facilitate weight loss has been discussed in a previous SuppVersity  article from September 2015 ( read it ), too. In the corresponding study, taking 1-3 mg melatonin helped women lose 7% body fat, and gain 3.5% lean mass ... albeit over a time of 12 months. A new study does now suggest that melatonin can help you manage your body weight in the short run, too. Learn more about the effects of Melatonin & co. at the SuppVersity GABA Diabesity Treatment Phenibut Addic- tive or Harmless? All About GABA (+ SHR podcast) Melatonin = Easy Fat Loss? Letrozole? Use Melatonin Instead Bone & Tooth? Melatonin Helps That's partly due to its anti-inflammatory effects, but it's al...
Disclaimer:The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. It is by no means intended as professional medical advice. Do not use any of the agents or freely available dietary supplements mentioned on this website without further consultation with your medical practitioner.