TMAO: Eggs, Meats and Your Cardio-Metabolic Health | You Can Sill Eat Eggs & Meat, If You Got 'the Right Gut Bugs'

The (ill) health effects of choline and its pre-cursor l-carnitine in animal products like eggs or (red) meats are probably mediated by a diet devoid of prebiotics... however, simply pounding more resistant starches, for example, seems to do more harm than good. If you have been following the SuppVersity News on Facebook ( a must , btw ;-)), you will be aware of the "TMAO"-issue. If not, here's the gist: The ingestion of certain dietary nutrients - primarily choline, phosphatidylcholine, and its precursor l-carnitine can serve as a precursor for the ultimate generation of an atherogenic metabolite, trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO). TMAO, in turn, has been linked to all sorts of diseases, most prominently cardiovascular disease and the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. Unlike "fish odor disease", the choline/CVD link is unrelated to your genes : DNA-Fit: Train Acc. to 'ur Genes Is Laziness Built Into 'ur Genes? Keep Muscle While Dieting...