Failure, a Necessary Prerequisite for Max. Muscle Growth & Strength Gains? Another Study Says "No Need to Fail, Bro!"
After all, the study at hand is by far not the first one to challenge the broscientific "wisdom" that you'd have "to fail to succeed". On the other hand, researchers like Burd et al. (2010) or Mitchell et al. (2012), for example, found that resistance exercise performed to failure elevates muscle protein synthesis independent of volume (sets × reps) or % one repetition maximum (1RM) load. Results that would have us assume that failure, not the total work, the rep numbers and what not was the major determinant of skeletal muscle hypertrophy.
Want to become stronger, bigger, faster and leaner? Periodize appropriately!
- non-failure rapid shortening (RS; rapid concentric, 2 s eccentric),
- non-failure stretch-shortening (SSC; rapid concentric, rapid eccentric), and
- failure control (C, 2 s concentric, 2 s eccentric)
Training to failure not for dieters? |
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Figure 1: There were no significant inter-group differences in favor of or against training to failure (Sampson. 2015). |
RS 4.2 [confidence interval (CI): 4.2, 4.3] and SSC 4.2 (CI: 4.2, 4.3) compared with C 6.1 (CI: 5.8, 6.4). The increases in 1RM (30.5%), MVC (13.3%), CSA (11.4%), and agonist EMGRMS (22.1%), however, did not differ between groups.
Only the activity of the antogonist, in this case the triceps brachii different with significantly higher increases in triceps activity in the SSC and the C trial, but decreased activity in the RS trial.
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It may make sense to include both training to failure and not training to failure in your regular periodization schemes. Speaking of which, you can learn more about different methods of periodization in a previous SV article about linear and undulating periodization schemes and their individual effects and benefits. |
What is not warranted, though, is to assume without further studies that the same goes for (a) other muscle groups (biceps training is by far the easiest thing to do and many people don't even get close to failure on other muscle groups if they're not pushing / pulling like crazy), (b) trained vs. as in this case untrained subjects, (c) super-slow or blood flow restricted training (not to failure), or (d) as part of a periodization scheme, were alternating between weeks in which you train to failure and weeks where you allow your central nervous system to regenerate make perfect sense | Comment on Facebook!
- Burd, Nicholas A., et al. "Low-load high volume resistance exercise stimulates muscle protein synthesis more than high-load low volume resistance exercise in young men." PloS one 5.8 (2010): e12033.
- Mitchell, Cameron J., et al. "Resistance exercise load does not determine training-mediated hypertrophic gains in young men." Journal of applied physiology 113.1 (2012): 71-77.
- Sampson, J.A, and H. Groeller. "Is repetition failure critical for the development of muscle hypertrophy and strength?" Scand J Med Sci Sports (2015): Ahead of print.