Science Round-Up Seconds: The Pro-Insulinogenic Effect of Artificial Sweeteners + Mechanisms & Consequences

Would having your coffee with splenda instead of sugar make this cookie even more hazardous for your glucose metabolism and what about your waistline? If you've listened to yesterday's installment of the science Round-Up your are probably already in the know of the most important facts about the "pro-insulinogenic" effects of sucralose and how it is (a) neither sure what exactly is causing this increase in post-prandial insulin release, nor (b) whether this is the "bad thing" conventional wisdom would dictate it is. If you've also read the corresponding press release from the Washington University in St. Louis , I've linked in yesterday's Facebook post on the matter, you will know that even the authors of the study are not yet sure about the real world implications of their results: "The elevated insulin response could be a good thing, she pointed out, because it shows the person is able to make enough insulin to deal with spiki...