Nitrate from Beets Improves Glucose Response to 75g CHO - Antibacterial Mouthwash Blocks This + Other Benefits

Honestly, for me it's not the improved glucose management, but rather the proof that you must not use antibacterial mouthwash that's the takeaway, here. What? Yes, the use of mouthwash can ruin all beneficial effects of nitrate containing foods - those on your blood pressure, those on your pump and - as a recent study from the Colorado State University indicates - even the beneficial effects the co-ingestion of beetroot juice with carbohydrates will have on obese individuals' glucose tolerance. Oh, you're not obese? Well, in that case, the effect is not going to reach statistical significance, but since it's not going to be zero and you can learn something about the incompatibility of your nitrate-based pre-workout performance enhancing pump supplement and antibacterial mouthwash, it's still worth reading the rest of today's SuppVersity article. You can learn more about beetroot juice at the SuppVersity Ask Dr. Andro: Is Creatine Nitra...