PUFA Increases Postprandial Thermogenesis in Healthy Premenopausal Women & Beyond - 14% Increase Over MUFA & SFA Sounds Huge, But Does it Matter?

Is there something to the good vs. bad fat shenanigan, after all? Only recently scientists from the Texas Tech University report that a PUFA-rich high-fat meal led to a greater diet-induced thermogenesis in normal-weight premenopausal women compared with SFA- or MUFA-rich high-fat meals. Reason enough to take a closer look at this and previous studies investigating the diet-induced thermogenic effects of PUFA-, MUFA- and SFA-rich meals and to conduct a reality check wrt to the question whether these differences actually matter - I mean, will you get and stay lean by upping your PUFA intake? Let's take a look! You can learn more about fat at the SuppVersity Are Men Fat- & Women Sugar-Cravers? Fat, not Fructose Cons. Increased in the US Adding Fats to Carbs Does not Reduce Insulin The Forgotten Pro-Insulinogenic Effects of SFAs Margarine Not Butter Incr. EU Waists Low Fat to Blame for Low Vitamin D Epidemic? In the initially mentioned study, Hui C...