Leucine + B6: 82% More Weight + Twice As Much Body Fat Loss in First 12 of 24 Weeks on -500kcal/day Diet W/ 2.25g Leucine + 30mg Pyridoxine - To Good to Be True?

Check your nutrition labels, I bet you get 2.25g+ leucine and 30mg of B6 from one of your supps already I am sorry to say that and actually this is usually something that goes into the bottom line, but I do have serious doubts whether the results reported in this study can be replicated in any of you. Yes, it is a human study, but (a) the subjects, 12 men and 12 women, were obese (34.76 ± 2.57) and (b) if the mere addition of 2.25 g leucine and 30 mg vitamin B6 would have such profound effects, everyone who has ever taken a commercial BCAA product would have noticed a doubling in fat loss, already, as almost all of them contain 2.25g+ of leucine and tons of pyridoxine (B6). So what are you saying here? Is this study a fraud? I have no evidence that the study was a fraud and I am certainly not implying this, but you must wonder about the magnitude of the weight loss and fat loss difference between the regular and the NuShape supplemented dieters (-500kcal from baseline energ...