Halloween Science - A Short List of Important and Trivial Halloween Figures, Fallacies and Horrific Facts

You better watch your treat-intake, if you want to wear this "costume" another year ;-) I know you probably expected "healthy Halloween recipes" in this special, but you know that this is not exactly my area of expertise. Ok, ok... Honestly, Halloween per se is not exactly my specialty either. Despite the desperate efforts of the industry to import your not so holy holiday festivities to Germany, the whole idea of dressing up like monsters, vampires, zombies and skeletons to avoid being recognized when you get drunk and laid is something we do in February, in the carneval season, not the night before All Hallow's day. In view of the fact that the majority of you are from the US or the UK and thus probably just trying to squeeze their astral bodies into last year's Halloween costume, I thought it may still be worth to compile a couple of more or less random pieces of "Halloween research". So, here you go: A Playstation is as welcome as a b...