Revisited: Squatting W/ Weightlifting Shoes and "Elevation Masks" - Results of New Studies Appear Initially Surprising

Weight lifting shoes don't make a difference and "elevation masks" (those things that simply impair your ability to breath) work... they increase your cerebral oxygenation - don't rely on the potentially misleading abstracts, alone... read SuppVersity ! Stronger, faster, leaner, ... and obviously more muscular. If you want to achieve all that, you got to invest the effort it takes to trigger the adaptational processes that will get your skinny-fat Western a** into Instagram-ready pre-Olympic shape. But what about the myriad of training gadgets will they take you there any faster? A cursory look at the latest scientific evidence seems to suggest that weight lifting shoes may not be as beneficial and - more surprisingly - elevation masks not as useless as many people believe... a cursory look, that is ;-) Hitting a wall? Try one of these exercises , workouts , and programming techniques : 30% More on the Big Three: Squat, DL, BP! Mix Things Up to Make Gains...