Platelet-Rich Plasma - Mar-2019 Update: What? How? For Whom? And How Useful? PRP Summarized + Illustrated

This article focuses on the use of PRP for mobility issues, but it's also used for hair growth and cosmetics . In a point-/counter-point article that was recently published in the Strength and Conditioning Journal Morey J. Kolber, professor at Nova Southeastern University , and Paul A. Salamh, assistant professor at the University of Indianapolis discuss the usefulness of PRP for different joint/ligament issues ranging from the proverbial Achilles heel to the often overused rotator cuff - with additional references and illustrations, their paper consitutes the backbone of this brief research update. Read about more or less exercise-related studies at the SuppVersity Alcohol, Microbes & International Chest Day Aug '15 Ex.Res. Upd.: Nitrate, Glycogen, and ... Pre-Exhaustion Exhausts Your Growth Potential HbA1c, Bone Health, BFR & More | Jan'17 TeaCrine®, ALA, Tribulus, Cordy-ceps, Sesamin... Cannabis, Basketball, Brain Building Whethe...