400 mg ATP Supplementation Acutely Ergogenic - Gymrats' Max. Leg Workout Volume/Rep Number Increases by 24%
As de Freitas et al. (2017) point out in their latest paper, "the first study to evaluate the effects of oral ATP administration was performed by Jordan et al. in 2004. In said study, the authors did not increase whole blood or plasma ATP concentrations and failed to improve any metric of performance measured via the anaerobic Wingate test either acutely or sub-chronically.
Bicarbonate is a proven pH-buffer w/ sign. ergogenic effects that's also much cheaper than ATP
Meanwhile, a number of studies have suggested ergogenic effects of ATP ranging from improved fatigue resilience to increased strength and size gains (Wilson 2013) - with the latter being a result that the light after the saw infamous HMB study, though, it did yet raise some serious questions about the methodological quality of the study design (Phillips 2017).
Overall, there's thus insufficient evidence to (a) say for sure whether oral ATP supplements work and whether they are (b) able to trigger statistically significant and practically relevant performance increases. The purpose of de Freitas et al.'s study was now to ...
"[...] investigate the effect of a single dose of ATP supplementation on lower-body resistance exercise performance and the physiological responses in recreationally resistance trained males [and check the hypothesis] that acute ATP supplementation will attenuate fatigue and result in greater resistance training volume and oxygen consumption" (de Freitas 2017).In the absence of chronic supplementation, the study at hand will therefore not answer the question whether the previously referenced increases in long-term gains was a methodological artifice or not.
What's the mechanism, here? De Freitas et al. propose two different mechanisms. There's (a) an effect of extracellular ATP on muscle excitability - an effect that is mediated by the P2X4 receptor and subsequent increases in intracellular calcium influx (30). Alternatively, there's (b) a possible effect of extracellular ATP on vascular tissue, where it interacts with the P2Y receptor which will, as the authors point out, "induce [the] production of endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor, prostacyclin, and nitric oxide by endothelial cells, relaxing the smooth muscle of the vasculature" This, in turn, may also explain the increase in oxygen delivery and uptake De Freitas et al. observed in the study at hand. Future studies will have to look at the underlying mechanism more closely.
Still, with "recreationally resistance trained" subjects (N=11 men; age= 27.5±5.5 yrs, weight= 83.4±9.8 kg, height= 182±0.04 cm; squat 1-RM = 127.8±19.7 kg) and an effective dietary control (CHO 211,3± 55.8, PRO 149,7±81.1, FAT 54,13±21.7 all in grams/d), the randomized, double-blind study at hand provides evidence that the money you may spend on ATP supplements ain't a complete waste.Fatigue resistance is apparently the main mechanism
The results also support the notion that ATP exerts any potential ergogenic effects by increasing subjects' fatigue resistance since statistically significant differences weren't observed for the total weight lifted, only, but also for the number of repetitions (Fig.2B: Placebo= 40± 11 vs ATP= 49.4± 11.5 Kg; p= 0.006). In that, it's worth mentioning that the effect sizes de Freitas et al. calculated were large for the number of repetitions (d= 0.83) and ranged from moderate to large in the total weight lifted (d= 0.73) - this makes the 24% difference the scientists detected even more interesting.
No effect of supplementation was found for blood pressure and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. Lactate as well as the subjects' heart rates and relative and absolute oxygen uptake, on the other hand, showed a trend for (lactate) or statistically significant improvements in the 400mg ATP vs. placebo trial... that's not surprising, though, considering the fact that the training volume/number of reps increased significantly.
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Photos like this helped BSN sell truckloads of their "mother of all pre-workouts" NO XPlode! Now, supp producers are trying to recreate the hype with ATP-based products, the alleged "Cornerstones of the Next Generation Pump Supp" | more |
If the former is the case and the repeated use of the supplement does not mitigate the effects, we can furthermore speculate that the consumption of 400mg of ATP 30 minutes before (timing may be crucial, here!) a workout could increase your training volume and thus the anabolic stimulus to an extent that will produce noticeable increases in both, size and strength gains, over time.
Until this hypothesis is confirmed in long(er)-term follow-up studies, the only thing we can now say w/ progressively increased certainty is that 400 mg ATP may acutely enhance the anaerobic performance in previously trained men who work out to failure - at high intensities | Comment!
- de Freitas, et al. (2017) "A Single Dose Of Oral Atp Supplementation Improves Performance And Physiological Response During Lower Body Resistance Exercise In Recreational Resistance Trained Males." Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Publish Ahead of Print | DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002198
- Jordan, A. N., Jurca, R., Abraham, E. H., Salikhova, A., Mann, J. K., Morss, G. M., ... & Earnest, C. P. (2004). Effects of oral ATP supplementation on anaerobic power and muscular strength. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36(6), 983-990.
- Phillips, S. M., Aragon, A. A., Arciero, P. J., Arent, S. M., Close, G. L., Hamilton, D. L., ... & Ormsbee, M. J. (2017). Changes in Body Composition and Performance With Supplemental HMB‐FA+ ATP. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(5), e71-e72.
- Schoenfeld, B. J., Peterson, M. D., Ogborn, D., Contreras, B., & Sonmez, G. T. (2015). Effects of low-vs. high-load resistance training on muscle strength and hypertrophy in well-trained men. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 29(10), 2954-2963.
- Wilson, J. M., Joy, J. M., Lowery, R. P., Roberts, M. D., Lockwood, C. M., Manninen, A. H., ... & Rathmacher, J. A. (2013). Effects of oral adenosine-5′-triphosphate supplementation on athletic performance, skeletal muscle hypertrophy and recovery in resistance-trained men. Nutrition & metabolism, 10(1), 57.