Stevia Kills Good Gut Bacteria - One Study Enough to Stop Using the Natural Sweetener? Probably Not in View of its Anti-Diabetes, Anti-LDL, Anti-Viral & Anti-Cancer Effects
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The good news, however, is in the details: The inhibitory effect was "slight" (see quotation above) and the design of the study leaves it open, whether similar effects would occur in vivo and thus outside of a glycoside, stevioside and rebaudioside laden Petri dish."In samples supplemented with stevia glycosides, the growth of all Lact. reuteri strains was slightly inhibited – however, a statistically significant concentration-dependent inhibitory effect was not observed for all strains (Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Influence of stevioside (a) and rebaudioside A (b) on biomass formation in Lactobacillus reuteri strains (24 h | Denin. 2014).
Comparing both the glycosides, the inhibitory effect of stevioside was more pronounced for strains 44 and 16, while the effect of rebaudioside A was more pronounced for strains 16 and 19. Statistically significant concentration-dependent inhib itory effect was observed for lactic acid and acetic acid synthesis. The decrease in lactic acid and acetic acid production was observed for both stevioside and rebaudioside A. [...] Although the inhibitory effect of stevioside on pH was observed at different stevioside concentrations, the effect was evident for all strains. Rebaudioside A had a more pronounced inhibitory effect on pH values of certain strains including Lact. reuteri 12, 16, 43 and 44" (Denin. 2014 | my emphasis).
Previous studies seem to refute significant effects of stevia on the human microbiome! In 2003, Gardana et al. found no effect of stevia on the make-up of human fecal cultures when they were incubated with either stevioside or rebaudioside A. Only the fact that bacteroides, i.e. the "enemies" of lactobacilli, were the most efficient in hydrolyzing Stevia sweeteners to steviol would suggest that there may be an overall effect on the human microbiome form stevia (ab-)use.
And while we have little in vivo evidence that stevia is bad for you, a brief review of the contemporary scientific literature on Stevia yields the following "proven" (mostly only in a handful, if not just a single study) benefits:- Stevia has been implicated in diabetes and hyperlipidemia treatment and its effects on blood glucose levels are not a mere result of the corresponding reduction in sugar intake.
Figure 2: Effects of stevia vs. diabetes drug Glibenclamide on blood glucose and lipid levels in diabetic rodents; data expressed relative to healthy control (Singh. 2014)
Previous human studies indicate that stevia extracts will also increase the increased 16 healthy human volunteers whose plasma glucose levels during an oral glucose tolerance tests were significantly lower after having consumed 5 grams of aqueous leave extract at regular 6-h intervals for 3 days (Curi. 1985).Figure 3: Effects of stevia and aspartame replacement of sucrose in test meals that were fed to obese and normal-weight volunteers on postprandial blood glucose levels (Anton. 2010) - In-vitro stevia appears to have anti-cancer effects, as well. That's at least what studies by Jayaraman et al. (2008) observed with stevia extracts. An effect that may be related to both it's anti-microbial, as well as its potent anti-oxidant activity (Tadhani. 2007) of the whole leaves and leave extracts of which Tahani et al. found that they contain significant effects of folic acid (52.18 mg/100 g) and vitamin C, as well as 130.76 μg catechin and 15.64 μg quercetin for leaves and 43.99 μg catechin and 1.57 μg quercetin for cellus at mg of water extracts, respectively.
Furthermore, Tadhani et al.'s results showed that the leaf extracts contained higher amounts of free radicals, hydroxyl radicals and superoxide anion radical scavenging activities than those of the callus extracts or the anti-mutagenic effects Cariño-Cortés et al. report in their 2007 study. Whether anything similar can be observed with the white "stevia" powder that is used by most people to sweeten their foods is yet questionable - it's after all pure steviosid and thus devoid of all of the previously mentioned compounds.
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Read more about the effects artificial sweeteners have on the microbiome in a prevoius article | go ahead! |
As s SuppVersity reader you will also be aware that this is not a stevia-specific effects. Only recently I have written about similar effects for a bunch of artificial sweeteners - an article I can only recommend to anyone who hasn't read it yet | Comment on Facebook.
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